Otter and Seaweed
For a long time, I wanted to take pictures of sea otters. Because the sea otter in the pictures taken by other people was so cute. However, it was so difficult to find sea otters in nature that I forgot about it and stumbled upon an eco-tour advertisement on the Internet that showed sea otters. With great joy, I booked a trip and visited the area. While following a travel agency, I was fortunate enough to find a mother otter and a baby otter playing close to the land. As soon as the travel agency's program was over, I drove to the place I had seen, took my photography equipment and climbed up the river for a while. Fortunately, there was an area that was accessible. Carefully I crossed the tidal flats and approached 15 meters from where the otters were staying. There was a rock in the middle of the tidal flat that only one person could climb on, so a photo equipment was installed on the rock. At first, the otter family, who left, were wary of me, but after a long time, they came back, caught food and swam, showing their natural appearance. It was getting late and it was time to go to sleep, and I was able to witness the otter mother spinning around in the water and wrapping herself in green waterweed. Then she put the baby on her tummy and went to sleep. I later found out that the otter mother covered her body with water plants so that she and her baby would not be washed away by the sea while sleeping while holding it. Although she was a small animal, she was wise to use the surrounding aquatic plants to prevent her and her baby from being washed away by the waves.
After thinking about it, I realized that I needed the wisdom of this sea otter too. Because the winds of the world often sweep me away like flowing water. Sometimes it's good to be new, but sometimes we see the ever-changing culture of the world changing without a standard of values and reaching dangerous levels. Especially while raising children, I often see the dangers of raising children without standards. Since it is a dangerous time that obscures the standard of value, I know how fortunate I am to have the Word of the Bible, the standard of value that will protect and uphold my values and life from the flowing current, by my side. Just as a sea otter wraps itself in waterweed, I hope that I can take the role of protecting my children and those around me from the waves of the world by keeping the Bible given to me in my heart.
Hebrew 2:1 We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.
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