Wind blowing
Because of my inclination toward science, if there are things I don't see and don't understand, I don't believe them until I see or understand them. However, there are things that I can believe in even if I can't see them, and these are things that have been proven through the efforts of many scientists. These include gravity, which holds us attached to the ground, or the magnetic force that magnets attract iron. In particular, the existence of air is invisible to the naked eye, but on a windy day, I know that there is wind and air because of the force that pushes my body. I also know that there is air as I watch the birds fly, pushing the air through their flapping their wings. In this context, I would like to briefly record some of the things that I directly or indirectly experience, understand, or know about the various invisible contents that Christianity claims.
First, the question is whether God created the world. As a scientist who loves nature, whenever I see nature, especially living things, I am amazed at its order, various changes and beauty. In the beautiful singing of each bird, the beauty of flowers, and the miraculous appearance of grass insects, I always witness the transcendent beauty and order, not for survival. Since it is chaos that is created by itself, I believe that the hand of the Absolute, who loves beauty and order, is the main force behind the creation.
Next, the question is, if God created humans in His image, why can the human world be so evil? Rather, I am thinking from the opposite point of view. I understand that the fact that the world is progressing for good even in the midst of our evil is evidence that God's good hand is holding the world. Sometimes in our anger against the evil we feel within us, and sometimes in the unselfish sacrifices, I witness that the good marks of the image of God are left in us.
Next, the question is whether the Holy Spirit that God sends is real and does its work exist. After fighting for 4 years with people who preached God to me, one day, I prayed for a while, and I came to believe in God right there. It was such a wonderful experience that I believed everything in just one day, so much that I couldn't even remember the 20 objections I had until then. I can testify with confidence because I have experienced that power. Also, like me, I witnessed many times how people who rejected Jesus changed dramatically the moment they accepted Him, and I became convinced that there is a mysterious power (the presence of the Holy Spirit), not the will and influence of man.
The next question is whether the Bible was written by God. I have read as many books as others, but I have never seen a book like the Bible. I have never experienced a book other than the Bible that has the power to change my life completely. Because one or two passages of the Bible changed my life, I experienced the power of the book that God wrote, the Bible, so I am convinced that it was not written by man. I strongly recommend that you read it for yourself.
Next is the idea of whether heaven exists. We all have a strong homing instinct and the nostalgia that comes with it. However, there was an experience where the nostalgia did not fill up even when I went back to my hometown according to my instinct to return, and it became even stronger. I understand, that this is because my subconscious was seeking my true home, which is in heaven.
The next question is whether the soul is immortal and judgment exists. I have never experienced this yet. It's something I can only experience when I die. However, since most of the other promises of the Bible are being experienced in my life, I live believing that even this last remaining promise will come true.
Lastly, I want to share my experience of the moment when the existence of God came closer to me. My family was in a major car accident and we almost died. There was a brief five-second moment when our car rolled over on the highway and another car ran into a triple crash. It was at this time that I realized that a person can think a lot in a short amount of time. What I felt and thought at this time was the great fear of standing before God. The fact that I would stand in front of the Absolute was more real than anything else, and I experienced that other realities were illusions like fog that I would forget when I woke up from my dream. Whenever I remember this moment, it makes me think that God's world is the true reality rather than the life I live.
John 3:8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.
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다음으로 하나님이 보내신다는 성령은 실재 하며 그 역사는 존재하는가라는 질문입니다. 저는 제게 하나님을 전하던 사람들과 4년을 싸우다가 어느 날 잠시 기도하고 바로 그 자리에서 하나님을 믿게 된 경험이 있습니다. 하루 만에 그 전까지 지녔던 20 가지의 저의 반대 주장이 기억 조차도 나지 않을 만큼 모든 것이 다 믿어지는 신기한 경험이었습니다. 그 능력을 체험하였기에 자신 있게 증언할 수 있습니다. 또한 저와 마찬 가지로 예수님을 거부하던 사람들이 예수님을 받아 들인 순간 급격히 변화되는 모습을 여러 번 목격하면서 사람의 의지와 영향력이 아닌 신비한 힘의 임재 (성령의 임재) 가 있음을 확신하게 되었습니다.
다음으로 성경은 하나님이 쓰신 책인가 라는 질문입니다. 저도 남만큼 책을 읽어 봤지만 성경과 같은 책은 보지 못했습니다. 제 삶을 송두리채 바꿀 수 있는 능력 있는 책은 성경 이외에는 경험하지 못하였습니다. 성경의 한 두 구절이 저의 인생을 바꾸었기에, 하나님이 쓰신 책 즉 성경의 능력을 경험하였으며 그러기에 사람의 뜻으로 쓴 글이 아님을 확신합니다. 직접 읽어 보시기를 적극 권유합니다.
다음으로 천국은 존재하는가에 대한 생각입니다. 우리 모두에게는 강한 귀소 본능과 이에 따른 향수가 존재하고 있습니다. 하지만 귀소 본능에 따라 고향집에 가보아도 향수가 채워지지 않고 더 아련해 지는 경험이 있었습니다. 이는 저의 무의식 속에서 저의 본향 천국이 어딘가에 있음을 알고 느끼고 추구하는 것이라고 저는 이해하고 있습니다.
다음으로 영혼은 불멸하며 심판은 존재하는가에 대한 질문입니다. 이 문제만은 제가 경험하지 못했네요. 제가 죽어야만 경험할 수 있는 일이니까요. 하지만 다른 대부분의 성경의 약속들이 제 삶에서 경험되고 있기에 마지막 남은 이 약속 마저도 실현될 것을 믿으며 살고 있습니다.
마지막으로 제게 하나님의 존재가 가장 구체적으로 다가왔던 순간의 경험을 이야기 하겠습니다. 저희 가족이 큰 교통 사고를 당해서 거의 죽을 뻔한 경험이 있었습니다. 고속도로에서 저희 차가 전복 되어 다른 차가 3중 충돌을 하며 달려드는 짧은 5 초 정도의 순간이 있었습니다. 이 때 사람이 짧은 시간 동안 많은 생각을 할 수 있음을 알게 되었습니다. 이 때 느끼고 생각한 것은 하나님 앞에 서게 될 큰 두려움이었습니다. 그 어떤 것보다도 절대자 앞에 설 것이라는 사실이 더 실제적으로 느껴졌고 오히려 다른 현실들은 꿈을 깨면 다 잊어 버리게 되는 안개와 같은 허상 이었음을 경험하였습니다. 이 순간을 기억할 때마다 제가 사는 인생보다 오히려 하나님의 세계가 참된 실체임을 생각하게 되곤 합니다.